Design Your Own Life: Embrace the Power of Choice.

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Park Guell, Barcelona, Spain

This post was inspired by a quote from Youtuber AmethystVirgoAstrology's video titled 'Why do people try to impose on 12th boundaries.'

In the video, she said something that stuck with me:

"Don't let people create your reality for you."

This resonates with me because I feel like I’m constantly mentally challenged by society's programming and familial pressures to stand on business! About what I can do and dreams I want to see manifest in my life.

I've learned we can't allow others to project their truths onto us.

It's not healthy to absorb everyone else's mental funk when we have our own inherited, environmentally constructed psychological funk we gotta wash off every day to come up smelling good!

If we take on what others think and want for us, there is no room for us to be present in our energy, dream, or care for ourselves if we hold ourselves up to someone else's measuring stick of "a successful life."

Don't let the people around you be your *only* guidance about what's best for you because they, like you, can not see the future and aren't privy to what God's cooking up in the universe special made, just for you!

They only know what has worked for them, determined by their own choices and external circumstances that were out of their control at that time( economic and different regulations of their times)

How can you apply their lessons from their time to your path and our current unseen times?

Newsflash: You can't.

EVERYBODY is writing their book as life goes on, and each generation has challenges that will be unlike the previous generations.

You have a hand in the kitchen with God, but no one else needs to throw in ingredients that might mess up the flavor or change the distinct aroma of the meal of life you're cooking!

No one else can drive your life path unless you hand them the steering wheel.

As individuals, we must learn to distinguish between others' truth and what we know and believe about ourselves.

This is why building self-confidence and learning to validate yourself is so important!

In this world, there will be people who will try and impose what they want for you, and you have to know when that doesn't align with your vision for YOUR future, when that doesn't coincide with your values and beliefs, and keep on, keeping on.

Each generation has been met with unforeseen circumstances to pull themselves out of and learn from. We cannot predict the future, so while it is great in theory to pass down knowledge and wisdom, we can take that wisdom and then make our own choices with what we have learned in our life and what is shown as present-day and hope for the best outcome in the future.

Fearmongering, projections, and negative ideas about moving away from the status quo are not suitable for your mental health. You don't have to subscribe to those subscriptions.

Just like you can choose whether you have Netflix or Hulu and what phone carrier you want to pay for, you have the freedom and liberty to make financial, marital, living, and familial decisions. Remember that, and if you are in the mood, remind the people who forget that it's your choice as often as possible!

They will be long gone, and you will have to deal with the lingering resentment of making decisions based on what they wanted from you.

You cannot let the weight of others' harmful, nonconstructive, and sometimes hypocritical opinions and judgments weigh you emotionally and mentally.

You need to be able to move freely and without limitations in this world and think abundantly.

My goal is to inspire you to be courageous and face your life challenges and fears head-on straight, moving forward to your version of abundance in life. You can't do that without inner strength and the ability to tune out the nonsense.

Friendly reminder: Your actions and God’s will are the only ones with the final say over your life.

Your life purpose trumps what your family thinks about your capabilities.

The universe eclipses what people who knew you at a different stage in life think you are capable of. Many spiritual actions are being taken on your behalf once you guide your energy and thoughts through your willpower, mental affirmations, and consistent dedication to your goals. Even then, the unseen doesn’t go by what we view as possible on the physical plane. Have faith in yourself and your decisions, and let life surprise you in ways you can’t even imagine! 

We can all grow, adapt to new environments, and open our minds to new beliefs if we choose to.

What our lives look like is no one else's choice but ours.

When making decisions, we have to think of the long-term implications.

This means thinking about how much time, energy, and money a decision I'm debating will take from me.

For example, if you have family pressuring you to buy a house, the money you are committing to paying on a 15-30 year basis, the time you are committing to living in that area, etc.

These beliefs being told to you may be assumed to be what is best for you, but if you're the one signing the documentation, responsible for making the monthly payments for x amount of time, etc., you better make sure it's what's YOUR version of best for you is.

You All remember that saying about people who ASS-U-ME… 😅

If you evaluate the pros and cons and agree with what is being told, then have at it! At least then, you know you researched and decided based on what YOU wanted. Then, when you face the inevitable ups and downs that come with the life decisions you have made, you can at least have peace of mind about YOUR decision.

Getting clout with your family and friends will quickly turn meaningless once you realize what you have given up to appease them.

This post is definitely for the millennials and Gen Zs who feel they are being force-fed the hottest, slimiest, flavorless soup of keeping up with the Jones. Who are the Joneses, and why are they important? Why are they role models for your life? F the Joneses and create your standard of living and family.

Also, when I typed the word slimiest, I thought of the Nickelodeon show where they poured green slime on people. It is the perfect analogy for what some of the older generations are trying to do to the younger generations: dump all the slime on us and have us deal with the consequences with a big smile on our faces! * good luck* LOL

I couldn't remember the exact show, but when I googled it, it looked like the person who was the MVP and won the award was the one who got slimed.

What did they win, though? Dealing with washing the gunk off their hair and clothes, slowing them down from whatever progress they would have made that day.

You can choose to show up to the show fighting to win the rat race set by arbitrary, antiquated rules and earn the slime award, or opt-out and win your race where you set the rules and guidelines and get to determine the prize in your lifetime.

Reality is ours to choose from; how empowering is that?  

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