Discover the Universal Laws of Love and Attraction for manifesting your dream life.

After recently celebrating Valentine’s Day, this book review can help people redirect their energy to positive thinking about what they can attract in their lives. Contrary to the title of this book, this book doesn’t solely talk about relationships and sex. Much of the content is geared toward taking care of yourself mentally and spiritually so that you can clear your energy and declare to the Universe that you are ready for it! I’m very thankful to my fellow salsa dance partner and friend, who gave me this book a year ago. They don’t want to be named but know who they are!

In this post, I’ll share some of the most inspirational quotes and favorite concepts I have applied since reading this book in March 2023.

Creating Your Happiness:

“All experiences are filtered through your self-definition. All your happiness and most of your misery are based on how you perceive and identify yourself.”– page 143

“You have only two choices: to take responsibility for your happiness or be willing to be unhappy.” — page 180

“A refusal to take responsibility for your happiness is a refusal to be happy.” — page 180

These quotes resonate with me deeply because I firmly believe that we are in the driving seat of our vehicle of life. While we can’t predict our future, we can take ownership of our responsibility to ourselves today. If I’m unhappy, I can look within, figure out why I’m not, and what it would take to make me content, then start working towards this! It’s more empowering to think about what you can do to change a situation than to meditate on what is wrong or not satisfying you.

Intrinsic Value:

“No genuine happiness can spring from the heart of a person who does not recognize and celebrate their intrinsic value.” — page 241

“Almost every type of emotional discomfort, psychological anguish, and relationship problem can be traced to the mental traps of inferior or superior thinking. I call this relative valuing, and it’s based on the ego. It is a far different process than intrinsic valuing, which comes from the heart.” — page 156

“When we stop comparing ourselves to others and competing with the rest of the world, we move out of the analysis of the mind and into feelings of the heart, where we finally find our intrinsic value.” — page 158

This new concept of intrinsic value was an eye-opener for me because so much of what we see and hear in our society is about measuring against others on a totem pole. Doing what we feel we should be doing based on what others dictate to us. How would we imagine our lives if we were to tune out the noise of outside influences & social media and instead dial in on our unique radio station? What would we do with our time? What brings you joy? What do you like doing and feel that you are good at? What do others compliment you on? This is how you discover what you value about yourself and what your loved ones naturally value about you, too!

Using Emotions for Your Benefit:

“If you don’t allow yourself to feel the emotions of an experience, you’ll carry the conclusions from that experience with you. Once in place, these conclusions work their way into your beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and consciousness, generating a darkening frequency.” — page 203

“Living with unexpressed anger bears the same results as living with unexpressed grief. It builds up inside of you and changes who you are. It alters your emotions, thoughts, and perceptions, resulting in a dramatic reversal of your energy.” — page 206

This one hits the most because I am currently in a space where I have to embrace the emotions that I am feeling and actively work on releasing them via journaling, prayer, and exercise. Losing my primary full-time, consistent income source has been an emotional process. But as I have been navigating this space since August of last year, I have come to accept that the rollercoaster of economic instability, disappointment, frustration, etc, is natural. I shouldn’t shame myself for having these feelings. If you are dealing with these emotions and in a similar headspace, I recommend utilizing the methods I wrote about for dealing with negative emotions here on my blog.

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Energy dynamics:

“Understand the dynamics of the universal laws- if you place your order and create the same energy, the Universe WILL make the delivery.” — page 222

“When we love and accept ourselves, we generously feed the field of love. When we engage in self-criticism or self-judgment, we perpetuate the energy of fear.” — page 232

“Always know that you’re in the process of creating and projecting energy. Think about this and ask yourself, “Is the energy I’m creating now the kind of energy I want to attract back into my life?” If it isn’t, change it!” — page 243

I LOVED reading about energy and how manifesting is integral to realizing our goals. Whether that goal is a relationship, a new career, etc., we must rewire our brains so that the energy we send out to the Universe can work in tandem with what we want! In this book, the author provided a method of carrying a mini journal written with 50+ affirmations, and she recommends you read these affirmations at least 5 to 10 times a day. She then gave an example of a client she worked with, proving that this method helped them overcome their self-doubt about their capabilities. Now, I know what you are thinking:

When I read this, I initially thought the same thing! But I tried a modified version because I’m always looking for ways to improve my thought process and already had a few favorite affirmations! I have not worked my way up to 5 times a day yet, but I am enjoying building that momentum.

Here are some pictures of my mini journal and the tally marks for the days I have said my affirmations since starting in July 2023.

Excuse my handwriting; I didn’t anticipate sharing this publicly then.

There’s no shame in my game! It is better to start than not to start at all. On the days I use this method, I feel more confident, in charge, and ready to take on the world! I can only imagine what will happen as I increase the amount of times I utilize it. Right now, I’m at 64 affirmations in total. If you struggle with how to start using affirmations. I recommend reading this book and starting an affirmation journal on your own! I purchased mini notebooks from; I am an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases. Here are the 3-pack mini multicolor notebooks for easy purchase:

This post was previously published on my Medium writer account via the publication Story Lamp Reviews. Check out my posts here and follow Story Lamp Reviews for more short and sweet posts from thoughtful and entertaining writers!


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